Stop Plastic Pollution Now!

Stop Plastic Pollution Now (Help Save the World)!

All of my current WIP (2024) include themes pertaining to the devastation of the planet due to plastic pollution. It is imperative that single use plastic and non-recyclable plastic be outlawed, punishable by strict prison sentences and heavy fines to encourage following such new plastic laws.

#plastickills sea creatures and ecosystems, and their deaths and the collapse of the ocean and other ecosystems will kill us. It should be #earthdayeveryday or we will first suffer–our children, grandchildren, and future generations–and then die without clean ecosystems providing water and food for humanity and all living things.

What is in the balance is all human life and, although there are many issues contributing to the potential impending collapse of planet Earth’s ecosystems, the plastic issue must be solved immediately before we kill off the ocean ecosystem, to save the seas and keep the planet and ourselves alive and well.

Please review the information below regarding the “Break Free from Plastic Pollution” petition that you can sign and send to world leaders.


Precious Bird wracked by Plastic Pollution, Stop Plastic Pollution & Save the World!For our health and the health of all living things, humanity must stop being selfish and destroying our planet. A plastic treaty is in the works; please listen to the words of Star Man, actor Jeff Bridges, as he explains more about the need for this worldwide plastic treaty need:

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